Proving you have the best property managers in Perth is difficult. We rely on word of mouth and and a few brags on social media. Well maybe we can now show you.

Introducing you to the Net Presenter Score (NPS)

This rather boring sounding score, is simply the number of detractors (they hate you) taken away from your promoters (they love you and are telling everyone at the BBQ).

Our team has a NPS of 71% for 2021/2022 as voted by our Landlords. Boom! That’s a crazy high score.

Net Presenter Score Best Property Manager Perth

OK, so we’re big wigging ourselves here, but can you blame us. We have never seen any other real estate agent in Perth publish their results (we think they are a little sheepish to try)

Our team surveyed over 1,000 of our lovely investment property owners and received 538 responses in our annual owner survey.

We also think our Google reviews speak for themselves. Our 3 offices average 4.7/5 stars with over 375 of our past clients giving us their opinion.

We don’t stop trying to improve just because our clients love us, we know we can still improve and we know we will.

Why do our clients rate is as the best property managers?

Based on the feedback, here is why our clients rated us so highly

  • Our team is friendly and communicate really well
  • We place a tenant quickly (behind the scenes, we have unique in-house people that provide the services we need to get a tenant in quickly – application processor and our own PCR (Property Condition Report) team
  • Excellent portal for our clients to find all their documents
  • We use great maintenance contractors. The job done right the first time
  • We get paid by the owners, but we respect tenants too

Thank you to all our clients who have supported us and given us great reviews.

If you have an investment property in the northern suburbs then contact Alison Mcleod for an information pack on what we offer. Our fees are competitive and our team, well they’re the best property managers in Perth.

Call Alison today on 08 9447 1644